
Welcome   Fáilte

I am a traditionally trained depth psychologist with a holisitic perspective.  My commitment as a psychotherapist is to help individuals not only with symptom relief, but also to facilitate a deeper understanding and experience of life, with the hope of a true healing of their woundedness.  To this end, I often utilize a therapeutic imagery approach which I have studied, applied clinically, and taught for many years.

Living my professional life by two rivers, the River Corrib in Galway, Ireland and the Mississippi River in Minnesota in the United States, I have often pondered the flow and movement of these rivers.  Despite obstacles and meanderings, they inevitably make their way to the Sea.  Likewise, I believe that each person’s life has the inherent possibility of flowing into a larger expansiveness of vision and a greater depth of connection.

“Probably the only real hope for people today is our certainty that we are rooted in the Earth and at the same time in the Cosmos. This awareness endows us with the capacity for self-transcendence.”

—Vaclav Havel